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    你是否已经收到并阅读了我们所派发的福音单张了呢?那些单张是否使你产生疑惑呢?或是你已经受到感动,并且悔改,相信我们所传的福音了呢? 如果你愿意相信这基督耶稣的福音的话,并想要迈开您信仰的第一步的话,我相信这个博客会给予您极大的帮助。我们十分欢迎您的访问。:-)
     如果您希望得到一些鼓励, 或是要我们帮你解答一些问题,还是要我们为您祷告,谨请用过电邮的方式联系我们。

Nobody likes to think about their own impending death, but there is no getting around it: a time is coming in your life when you will die. The grave question is: “Are You Ready?”


God’s Holy Word, the Bible, states that after you die, you are going to stand before God to give an account for your life. Because God is good, He is going to judge you according to the perfect moral standard of His Law, the 10 Commandments. If you have ever lied, stolen, taken His name in vain, lusted, etc, He will find you guilty of breaking His law. He calls that “sin”. Because God is holy, righteous and just, he must punish your sin. The punishment God has ascribed for sin is eternity in Hell.


But God is also loving, merciful, gracious and kind in that He provided one way, and one way alone, to escape that punishment. That was through the gift of His son, Jesus Christ, the promised Savior: fully God and fully man, without sin.

但这位上帝却又是如此地爱我们,有丰厚的恩典和慈爱,因此祂为我们预备了一条可以免除这可怕刑罚的路,那就是祂独生的爱子,就是那位在创世以先就预定好了的救主,完全的人、完全的神 耶稣基督。

About 33 years into His sinless life here on earth, Jesus died a horrible, bloody death on the cross that He did not deserve, taking upon Himself the punishment you and I rightly deserve for our sins against God. Jesus suffered and died in our place. By doing so, God’s justice against sin was fully satisfied. Then three days later, Jesus forever defeated death and sin when he rose from the grave.


What God requires of you is to repent (turn away from your sin) and, by faith alone, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. No amount of your religious, charitable or personal good works can save you. Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Salvation is a free gift of God offered to you through Christ.


With your sins forgiven, once and for all, and your trust in Jesus intact, you will then be ready to stand before God on Judgment Day, righteous in Christ, and be joyously ushered into the promise and glory of eternal life in Heaven.


“And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” (Joel 2:32)

“凡求告耶和华名得就必得救。” (约珥书 32

In the reading of this gospel message, God is calling you to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to you. Make sure you are ready today. Repent and believe the gospel while God has still given you time.